Getting following warning in one of the standby server in Dataguard environment:
Error: ORA-16853: apply lag has exceeded specified threshold
C:\Oracle>oerr ora 16853
16853,0000, "apply lag has exceeded specified threshold"
// *Cause: The current apply lag exceeded the value specified by the
// ApplyLagThreshold configurable property. It may be caused either by
// a large transport lag or poor performance of apply services on the
// standby database.
// *Action: Check for gaps on the standby database. If no gap is present, tune
// the apply services.
Due to apply lag or transport lag. Check Dataguard configurations for parameter ApplyLagThreshold.
DGMGRL> show database verbose orcl;
ApplyLagThreshold configurable database property generates a warning status for a logical or physical standby when the database’s apply lag exceeds the value specified by the property.
Parameter value defined in Seconds. If you have defined the less value like in our case its 90 we make it to 7500 for approx 2 hours. A value 0 means no warning getting for apply lag.
edit database orcl set property ApplyLagThreshold=7500;