Resize your Oracle datafiles down to the minimum without ORA-03297

💡 Khi resize datafile để giải phóng datafile bị thừa thì xuất hiện lỗi ORA-03297: file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value

🚚 Solution

Chạy câu lệnh sau để tìm xem những data file nào có thể giải phòng được

set linesize 1000 pagesize 0 feedback off trimspool on
 hwm as (
  -- get highest block id from each datafiles ( from x$ktfbue as we don't need all joins from dba_extents )
  select /*+ materialize */ ktfbuesegtsn ts#,ktfbuefno relative_fno,max(ktfbuebno+ktfbueblks-1) hwm_blocks
  from sys.x$ktfbue group by ktfbuefno,ktfbuesegtsn
 hwmts as (
  -- join ts# with tablespace_name
  select name tablespace_name,relative_fno,hwm_blocks
  from hwm join v$tablespace using(ts#)
 hwmdf as (
  -- join with datafiles, put 5M minimum for datafiles with no extents
  select file_name,nvl(hwm_blocks*(bytes/blocks),5*1024*1024) hwm_bytes,bytes,autoextensible,maxbytes
  from hwmts right join dba_data_files using(tablespace_name,relative_fno)
 case when autoextensible='YES' and maxbytes>=bytes
 then -- we generate resize statements only if autoextensible can grow back to current size
  '/* reclaim '||to_char(ceil((bytes-hwm_bytes)/1024/1024),999999)
   ||'M from '||to_char(ceil(bytes/1024/1024),999999)||'M */ '
   ||'alter database datafile '''||file_name||''' resize '||ceil(hwm_bytes/1024/1024)||'M;'
 else -- generate only a comment when autoextensible is off
  '/* reclaim '||to_char(ceil((bytes-hwm_bytes)/1024/1024),999999)
   ||'M from '||to_char(ceil(bytes/1024/1024),999999)
   ||'M after setting autoextensible maxsize higher than current size for file '
   || file_name||' */'
 end SQL
from hwmdf
 bytes-hwm_bytes>1024*1024 -- resize only if at least 1MB can be reclaimed
order by bytes-hwm_bytes desc

Nó sẽ xuất ra từng câu lệnh sau để xử lý vd

/* reclaim    3986M from    5169M */ alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DB1USV/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_o9pfojva_.dbf' resize 1183M;
/* reclaim    3275M from   15864M */ alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DB1USV/datafile/o1_mf_apcpy_o5pfojni_.dbf' resize 12589M;
/* reclaim    2998M from    3655M */ alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DB1USV/datafile/o1_mf_cpy_qt_oepfok3n_.dbf' resize 657M;
/* reclaim    2066M from    2250M */ alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DB1USV/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs2_olpfokc9_.dbf' resize 185M;
/* reclaim     896M from    4000M */ alter database datafile '/u01/oradata/DB1USV/datafile/o1_mf_cpy_ocpfok3n_.dbf' resize 3105M;

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