💡 Solve ORDS was unable to make a connection to the database
Many Oracle APEX developers & users encountered ORDS
Service Unavailable problems like:
- ORDS was unable to make a connection to the database. This can occur if the database is unavailable, the maximum number of sessions has been reached or the pool is not correctly configured. The connection pool named: |apex|| had the following error(s): ORA-28000: The account is locked.
- ORDS was unable to make a connection to the database. This can occur if the database is unavailable, the maximum number of sessions has been reached or the pool is not correctly configured. The connection pool named: |apex|| had the following error(s): ORA-28001: the password has expired
- The username or password for the connection pool named: |apex||, are invalid, expired, or the account is locked.
- The request could not be mapped to any database. Check the request URL is correct, and that URL to database mappings have been correctly configured.
The Problem:
Those errors raised because of Password management related profile. Since APEX public accounts assigned to DEFAULT profile and the PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME Parameter for DEFAULT Profile is: 180 days means APEX accounts reached the limit and Passwords expired/ account locked.
The Solution:
to solve the problem, changed the passwords of APEX Accounts and unlock those accounts:
alter user APEX_PUBLIC_USER identified by Apex123# account unlock;
alter user APEX_LISTENER identified by Apex123# account unlock;
alter user APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER identified by Apex123# account unlock;
alter user ORDS_PUBLIC_USER identified by Apex123# account unlock;
create profile apex_profile limit password_life_time unlimited;
alter user apex_public_user profile apex_profile ;
alter user apex_rest_public_user profile apex_profile ;
alter user apex_listener profile apex_profile ;
alter user ords_public_user profile apex_profile ;