Find the Session/ program / module / SQL Query using high temp tablespace usages
Find the session using high temporary tablespace:
col inst_id format 999
col sid format 99999
col status format a11
col program format a20 trunc
col machine format a17 trunc
col action format a39
col module format a39
col blocks heading "TEMP BLOCKS"
SELECT b.blocks, s.inst_id, s.sid, s.status,
FROM gv$session s,
gv$sort_usage b
WHERE s.saddr = b.session_addr
and s.inst_id = b.inst_id
and b.blocks > 100000
order by b.blocks desc;
Find the SQL which using the temporary tablespace
SELECT a.username, a.sid, a.serial#, a.osuser, b.tablespace, b.blocks, c.sql_text
FROM v$session a, v$tempseg_usage b, v$sqlarea c
WHERE a.saddr = b.session_addr
AND c.address= a.sql_address
AND c.hash_value = a.sql_hash_value
ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.blocks;