1. Stop all the services running on the Node
srvctl stop service -db database_name -service "service_name_list" -node node_name
srvctl stop service -db grid -service "sales,oltp" -node NODE1
2. Check the VIP address
srvctl config vip -vipname node03-vip
VIP exists: /node03-vip/
3. Stop the VIP resource using the srvctl stop vip command:
srvctl stop vip -node node_name
4. Verify at Operating system level VIP is not running
-- Unix or Linux
ifconfig -a
ipconfig /all
5. Make changes to host files
-- unix or Linux
-- Windows
6. If you also change subnet or network interface card for the default network then only use command:
srvctl modify network -subnet subnet/netmask/interface
7. Modify the node applications and provide the new VIP address
srvctl modify nodeapps -node node_name -address new_vip_address
srvctl modify nodeapps -node mynode -address
8. Start the node VIP
srvctl start vip -node node_name
srvctl start vip -node mynode
9. Repeat the steps for each node in the cluster.
10. Run Cluvfy command to verify the connectivity of nodes
cluvfy comp nodecon -n all -verbose