ORA-28000: the account is locked
ORA-28000: the account is locked 1. Check the Status of User account in Oraclecol username for a22col account_status for a17col profile for a10Select username, account_status,profile from dba_users where username…
ORA-28000: the account is locked 1. Check the Status of User account in Oraclecol username for a22col account_status for a17col profile for a10Select username, account_status,profile from dba_users where username…
Read of datafile ‘E:ORADATAORCLTEMP01.DBF’ (fno 201) header failed with ORA-01202 During the running the datapatch -verbose command for applying patch on DB, We got the following error:Queryable inventory could…
SQL*Net more data to client event wait In Oracle We generally got the wait “SQL*Net more data to client” in our performance reports. Wait event:SQL*Net data to clientSQL*Net more…
ORA-31641: unable to create dump file Expdp error During the EXPDP backup we are getting the following error on executing the command ErrorC:Usersoracle>expdp full=y directory=dbdumpExport: Release – Production…
ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 4152 bytes (8475.kgghte,8475.kgghte) ErrorIn our case, we are getting the error in alert log during normal production timing:Mon Jan 07…
Found Log Switch Gap status in archive dest status We are planning to switch-over the database from primary to secondary in Data guard environment. When we are checking the…
Memory Paging cause Oracle database performance issue ErrorOn checking the operating system, heavy paging is notice which degrade the performance of the Oracle Database. On unix base systemvmstat and…
RMAN-06429: TARGET database is not compatible with this version of RMAN ErrorWhile connecting with RMAN Command window getting the following errors: RMAN-06438: error executing package DBMS_RCVMAN in TARGET databaseRMAN-00571:…