Create and scheduler a DBMS scheduler job
For create a job in DBMS Scheduler, exact method is first create a schedule, then create a program and then a job. Create a schedule BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_SCHEDULE ( Schedule_name =>…
For create a job in DBMS Scheduler, exact method is first create a schedule, then create a program and then a job. Create a schedule BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_SCHEDULE ( Schedule_name =>…
In Oracle 12cR2, we can convert non partitioned table to partitioned online using alter table command. First identified the column on which we will make non-partition table to partition table.…
In Flashback recovery, you can create restore point before any upgrade, patching and application testing activity. We can create restore point in two ways: Norman Restore Point: Its age out with…
Find the query taking long time to execute in Oracle Select module,parsing_schema_name,inst_id,sql_id,CHILD_NUMBER,sql_plan_baseline,sql_profile,plan_hash_value,sql_fulltext, to_char(last_active_time,’DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS’ ),executions, elapsed_time/executions/1000/1000, rows_processed,sql_plan_baseline from gv$sql where executions <> 0 order by elapsed_time/executions desc Find the highest…
Check the query is triggered from any procedure SELECT s.sql_id, s.sql_text FROM gv$sqlarea s JOIN dba_objects o ON s.program_id = o.object_id and o.object_name = ‘&procedure_name’
Sniped Session Sniped Session is occurred when IDLE_TIME is set in users or the default profile exceed then this will kill the sessions in the database then status column value…
Find top 10 Queries from high physical read SELECT schema, sql_text, disk_reads, round(cpu,2) FROM (SELECT s.parsing_schema_name schema, t.sql_id, t.sql_text, t.disk_reads, t.sorts, t.cpu_time/1000000 cpu, t.rows_processed, t.elapsed_time FROM v$sqlstats t join v$sql…
Check the dataguard status for two Node RAC If you have 3 Node RAC then you can add more union clause and copy paste the select query from union clause…