<aside> 💡 Steps to move the Oracle Grid Home location in Oracle Environment
- Login with root user, Stop CRS services.
cd /u01/app/12.2.0/grid/bin
./crsctl stop crs
./crsctl stop cluster
- Login with grid user, shutdown or kill all the services running from Oracle grid existing home.
ps -ef
kill -9
- Login as Grid user, deattch the grid home with following command.
/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/oui/bin/runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion\
-detachHome ORACLE_HOME='/u01/app/12.2.0/grid' -local
- Login as Root user, Copy the old grid binaries to new location.
mkdir /u01/app/12c
cp -pR /u01/app/12.2.0/grid /u01/app/12c
- Login as Root user, Unlock the destination folder:
cd /u01/app/12c/grid/crs/install
rootcrs.sh -unlock -dstcrshome /u01/app/12c/grid
- Root user, Relink and clone the new binaries oracle binaries.
Clone command asked for some parameters or you can pass directly
---Go to the path as old home and pass parameter as new home
cd rid_home/clone/bin
run the clone.pl
--On Linux System
perl clone.pl -silent ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle ORACLE_HOME=
/u01/app/12c/grid ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraHome1Grid
-- On Window System:
perl clone.pl ORACLE_BASE=D:\u01\app\grid ORACLE_HOME=D:\u01\app\grid\12c
ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraHome1Grid ORACLE_HOME_USER=Oracle_home_user_name
run orainstRoot.sh and root.sh
- From ROOT user, start up from new home location.
cd /u01/app/12c/grid/crs/install
# rootcrs.sh -move -dstcrshome /u01/app/12c/grid
- If you doing it on RAC Environment then do this on every node.